2020 Board of Directors Application
Due July 27, 2020
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Call for Nominations
The Nominating Committee of the board of directors of Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (FACS) is accepting applications to serve on its volunteer board of directors. There are two Board of Director positions open for election. We hope to receive nominations that demonstrate a diverse, talented and dedicated pool of candidates to draw from for service on the FACS board.
We welcome candidates across Northern Virginia, representing a variety of faith traditions, professional experience and diversity in age, gender and race. Above all we seek candidates passionate about stewardship of the earth and with a strong interest in mobilizing the faith community both within and beyond their places of worship.
All candidates must complete the Nomination/Application Form and have demonstrated leadership, passion and a commitment to carrying out FACS’ mission. Please review FACS’ 2019-2021 Strategic Plan and Board Member Roles and Responsibilities for additional information and background.

1) The application form and all supplemental materials must be received by July 27, 2020. Materials may be submitted using this electronic form, to info@faithforclimate.org or by mail to: Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, P.O. Box 2012, Reston, VA 20195.
2) All nominations/applications will be acknowledged within 2 days of receipt.
3) The Nominating Committee will request time to speak with applicants to later than August 7, 2020.
4) The Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of candidates and officers for vote and approval by the FACS board the week of August 10, 2020.
5) The first meeting of the newly-elected FACS board will be held on September 15, 2020. Orientation will be held prior to this meeting at a time/date convenient for the new members of the board.

Board Member Expectations and Background Documents
1) Attend all scheduled board meetings including meetings typically held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., alternating between in-person and virtual meetings
2) Join/lead at least one of FACS’ committees, currently Finance, Personnel and Governance, Outreach and Engagement, Advocacy, and Fund Development
3) Assist the organization to expand its resource base by sharing expertise and contributing financially
4) View full board member expectations here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XLN1RbGa3El4KuTKSZtS1d0P_BOhk7pd 
5) View FACS' 2019-2021 Strategic Plan here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FM5cdCfHAbHmkN1VvgBFajDVJ_Oy9Lud

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