The next water baptism service is on Sunday, September 30th! The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 26th by noon.

We require a brief pre-service baptism meeting on the day you want to be baptized. During this meeting you will receive your baptism t-shirt. For first service, please meet in the sanctuary by the baptism tank on the stage at 8:30AM. For second service, please meet in the sanctuary by the baptism tank on the stage at 10:30AM.

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Before filling out this form, please watch this video:
We will send you a certificate after you have been baptized. Please include all fields.
Name: *
Please fill out first and last name
Mailing Address: *
City, State, ZIP: *
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
Which service would you like to be baptized in? *
What is your t-shirt size? *
As a way of celebrating with you, we will give you a shirt to wear during your baptism!
Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior? *
Please give a brief testimony and description as to why you would like to get baptized. *
Can we use your testimony on social media? *
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