Mindful Forgiveness Registration
Thank you for your interest in participating in this important work. This is a twelve hour zoom class that builds your forgiveness and mindful skills, designed to teach & promote mindfulness and forgiveness as foundational daily living skills. Participants will learn concepts, tools and practices that allow them to focus, be self aware, let go and free themselves from suffering in order to have productive relationships with coworkers, family members, clients and  themselves.
Mindful Self Forgiveness, is a class covering the above topics with a focus on forgiving self. Please note self forgiveness is worked on in both types of training, pick what time works best for you.
Mindful forgiveness - Body Image focused is a class that will focus in on your stories that are getting in the way of body acceptance, self compassion and movement towards health goals.

You will receive an email with class and payment information prior to start of class.

2024 Classes 6 weeks 2 hour sessions

Thursdays September 12th -October 17th from 4pm-6 pm HST  (7pm PST) Mindful Forgiveness

If these class times do not work for you please fill out the information below and let me know what times work for you.
Pricing is a sliding scale: $100.00-$325.00 Please pay the price you feel comfortable paying, if you need any other considerations please reach out to me, Joan Young at email 360degreejourney@gmail.com. You will receive an email with Payment information prior to start of class.

One on one Mindful Forgiveness-with Joan Young
One on one sessions are now available, 6 weeks 1 hour sessions. Please give three times that work best for you, and I will do my best to work with your schedule.  Requirement is to have completed a group format Mindful Forgiveness Class
Pricing $480.00

Klemmer Grads Joan Young is on Givers Marketplace, so please let me know if you are a grad.
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First and Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Class you are registering for *
Above times do not work for you, Let me know what times and days would work for you(please include time zone)
I would like more information about One on One coaching
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Do you have stories of anger, sadness or of loss that interrupt your thoughts or emotions? *
What does forgiveness currently mean to you? *
Are you open to honestly sharing your story and being fully present to hear other people's story? *
Have you taken this training before? *
Mindful Forgiveness Workshop Agreement
I understand that the information shared during the Mindful forgiveness program is confidential and not for me to share outside the group at any time. I agree to attend all group sessions and participate to the fullest extent possible. I understand that this class is not to be used in place of therapy or any other mental/emotional/physical health requirements I may have.  I agree to remain open to the process and attempt all exercises presented during the sessions.

By signing below with your printed name and today's date I agree to follow the guidelines of this agreement.
Signature: *
Are you a Klemmer Grad?
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