Lake Conroe Explorers Info Meeting
Make Time Boating -  a family owned, licensed & fully insured charter company is now offering Nature-Based Learning experiences and guided tours on Lake Conroe. Our vision with Lake Conroe Explorers program is to inspire all generations to gain knowledge and understanding of the natural world and marvel at God's creation and purposeful design through the observation of Lake Conroe and the Sam Houston Forest.

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Parent Name and number/ *
Which Info meeting you will attend *
We need 5 chaperone parents to provide a 2:1 ratio. *
What method of education are you using? *
Does your child have special needs? (Physical, or developmental disorders) *
What are you most interested in with this program? *
Which day of the week works best for attending weekly class during the fall semester? *
What questions do you have that we can answer at the meeting? *
Age if children you'd like to participate
Email address *
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