We have the pleasure to invite you to a capacity building workshop on the above subject organized by the “Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (www.DiBiCoo.org)” project of the above Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (www.iseesghana.org).

The workshop is aimed at providing skills and experiences on the design, management and applications (use of biogas for transport, bottling, etc) and the financial viability (profitability)  of biogas systems in Europe and Africa.

It will be held on the following dates and venue.
Date: Wednesday, 25- Thursday 26th August, 2021.  
Time: 9:00am each day

The DiBiCoo project is a 3 year European Union Horizon2020 funded research project and being implemented in 9 countries, coordinated by GIZ GmbH with 13 consortium partners including ISEES Ghana. The overall objective of the project is to strengthen cooperation and facilitate market development between the European biogas/biomethane industry and biogas actors in emerging countries including Ghana. This is being achieved by the development and application of innovative digital and non-digital support tools and actions, knowledge transfer and capacity building as well as by the preparation of demo case projects up to the investment stage.

This workshop is facilitated by experts from various organizations including the European Biogas Association (EBA), the German Biogas Association (FvB) and GIZ in Europe. It is designed to build capacity for Ghanaian and African biogas stakeholders in the  construction, design and management of large scale biogas technologies for electricity generation as well as the revenue streams for biogas projects .

Participants will later be linked to other business opportunities on a digital matchmaking platform here https://www.biogasplatform.eu/ to connect with other Biogas actors in Europe and other parts of the world, expose participants to new developments in the biogas sector in Ghana, Europe, Indonesia and South Africa. The workshop will be a hybrid type with in-house and online participants involved.

Fill this form http://bit.ly/Dibicooform2 (you are here now)
We look forward to welcoming you to this all important meeting.

The form here is aimed at registering participants for the Capacity Building Training workshop of the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation Project (Dibicoo.org) funded by the European Union Horizon 2020.

The information collected here is for registration purposes for the workshop only.

All information will be data protected in line with the European Union Horizon2020 data protection policy and will only be used for the workshop and kept with strict confidentiality. Please see here for the data protection agreement https://bit.ly/DibicooEUdataProtectionAgreementForm

We would be pleased if you could register for the workshop as scheduled.

For online participation, you will receive an email with a zoom link into your inbox after registration to enable you participate virtually.

For any further information contact 0244108268 / 0248737439 or email info@isees.edu.gh
Websites www.iseesghana.org/dibicoo or www.dibicoo.org
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Whatsapp number if different from Telephone Number
Place of Stay
Country of residence
Name of Organization / Company Represented
Briefly tell us about what you do in the Area of Biogas and Biomethane
What skills and knowledge do you expect to receive from the 2 day training workshop? *
Expectations and Recommendations for the Dibicoo Biogas Project
Any other information you wish to ask, or provide
Please list the Names, Telephone Numbers and Emails of other colleagues from your company/ organization/network that you would recommend for us to invite them to join virtually/online
Mode of participation *
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