Messages From Fellows
Submit a message to share with the VCCA community. By submitting this form, you agree that the information submitted may be shared, in part or in full, with the wider VCCA community online (in email newsletters, on the VCCA website, through VCCA social media channels, etc.).

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Email *
My Name *
I am a: *
Message to My Fellow Fellows *
150-ISH WORDS - Use this space to tell the VCCA Fellows community about how you're navigating these times as an artist and human. You might tell us about lived experiences, recent work or current projects responding to this moment, reading/watching/listening recommendations, etc. You might also share resources, ask for support, etc.
Related Links
Include up to five links you'd like to share along with your message.
Link to Image File
Please provide a link to a photo to accompany your message. This can be a Google Drive, Dropbox, or other file-sharing service link, an image link from your website (right click on your image to "Copy Image Address" and paste it here), etc.
Work Affected by COVID-19
Have your upcoming tours, readings, exhibitions, concerts, etc. for new work been impacted by COVID-19? If so, please give us the details (including titles of work):
Has your VCCA residency been affected by VCCA's temporary closure in response to COVID-19?
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