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/r/asklatinamerica October 2020 user census
635 responses
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Demographics: We would like to know who the user base of this subreddit is.
What is your age?
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What is your gender?
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Where were you born?
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Where do you live now?
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What is your nationality? If you are a dual citizen, choose the option that best reflects your identity or experiences. [Edit: It has been noted that PR and Aruba passports do not exist. Please, focus on personal identity and not legal accuracy in those or similar cases.]
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Have you ever lived abroad?
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What religion are you?
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What is the socio-economic status of you or your family unit?
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Where do you live?
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Race in Latin America is very complex. However, the topic of race is common in this subreddit, so how would you describe your racial identity to the best of your ability?
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Education and Language
What is your native language? (Choose more than one *only* in the case of speaking multiple languages in the home from your earliest memory)
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In how many languages, including your native language(s), can you comfortably hold an extended social conversation about non-technical topics?
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How do/did you *mainly* learn English? (Choose as many as you want, but only if they really helped you)
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If you have done any higher education, what is/was your primary field of study? If you are in your last year or two of secondary education and already have clear plans for higher education, you may answer too.
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If you are *currently* a student, what is your current level of study?
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If you are NOT currently a student, what is the highest level of education you have completed?
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I have, or expect to reach,...
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Sex and Sexuality
What is your sexuality?
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Are you trans?
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What's your relationship status?
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Political and Social Questions:
What is your political affiliation?
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What is your level of interest and participation in politics and social issues in your country?
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What is your level of interest and participation in politics and social issues in other Latin American countries?
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What is your level of interest and participation in politics and social issues in other non-Latin American countries?
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How much do you agree with these statements?
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What are the biggest social problems in your country? Contain yourselves, gentlefolks, choose 5 or less.
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Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
What have you experienced during the coronavirus pandemic?
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I consider that the measures imposed by my government during the pandemic (lockdowns, travel bans, school closures, etc.) have been...
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Personal Interests
In pre-pandemic life, how many... in a month?
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Which of the following are your primary interests? Limit yourself to around five or less.
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Which do you prefer, dogs or cats?
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Are you vegan or vegetarian?
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What social media platforms do you use regularly?
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Would you like to recommend the users of /r/AskLatinAmerica a movie or series from your country?
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Would you like to recommend the users of /r/AskLatinAmerica a band or musician from your country?
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Would you like to recommend the users of /r/AskLatinAmerica a book from your country?
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Opinions on the /r/asklatinamerica subreddit
How many days a week do you visit the sub?
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What do you like to do on the sub?
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What is the biggest problem with the sub?
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Do you feel the sub has...
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Would you like to tell the users of /r/AskLatinAmerica anything else?
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