2024 Newbie Tour
If you have been attending Dragoncon for more than 5 years and want to help with Newbie tours sign up here. We have positions for guides, wranglers and helpers.  There will be a walk through at noon for tour guides and wranglers before the tours start if anyone would like to check it out.
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The Rules
1. Do not give any information/advice that is contrary to Dragoncon rules.
2. I don't know is an acceptable answer. You can direct the person to someone who will know the answer or send them back to the start and someone will figure it out.
3. Do not detour from the tour route, Stay on task, no wandering off to drop off room keys etc.
4. Do no ask for tips, money or gifts. It does happen that someone will offer you something, that is ok to accept.
5. Have Fun! Newbies are adorkable.
Join the Newbie Helper Facebook group. https://facebook.com/groups/684097124992335?
If you are looking for the Dragoncon Newbies group, join this group.
Your Name *
Preferred position *
Please select time you will arrive to help with the tours. *
Till what time can you be available to? *
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