Enrolment Form
Hi Parents.

Thanks for choosing Sports Hub!

Please fill out the below information for us to make sure you receive all relevant Sports Hub information for your child (including Invoices, logistics, feedback etc).

Please note that you won't receive a confirmation email from registration, but your Franchisee will be in contact shortly! Please get in contact with the Franchisee in your area if you are unsure about anything / would like to confirm your registration(https://sportshubcoaching.co.za/areas/)

OR contact Henk (083 388 1722 / info@sportshubcoaching.co.za )
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What size Sports Hub T-shirt would you like to order (NA in Wheeling yet)
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Name of School  *
Student Full Name *
Parent/Guardians Full Name *
Contact Number *
Age (Turning this year) / Grade *
Would you like to order a Sports Hub Bucket Hat? R100 extra (NA in Wheeling yet) *
Have you done Sports Hub before? *
Terms & Conditions *
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