Online Workshop “Recovery from Covid-19 crisis in Protected and Conserved Areas in Africa” (29 October 2021, 9am-5pm CET)
IUCN is organizing an online workshop entitled “Recovery from Covid-19 crisis in Protected and Conserved Areas in Africa”, on 29 October from 9am-5pm CET. The aim is to provide a general overview of the global guidance being developed to help protected area managers cope with the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, and for managers to share first-hand lessons learned on both the positive and negative impacts. Presentations will be given by international and regional experts from the IUCN network. They will be followed by a facilitated exchange with the participants to discuss the main impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the management and governance of protected areas in Africa.
The expected participants are protected area managers (state and private), protected area administrations, NGO representatives, biodiversity conservation experts and academics.
The programme and the link to access the online platform of the workshop will be communicated only to registered participants. Please register below before 25 October at the latest.
We thank you in advance for your interest in this event.
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