Events Around the District
As events are happening around the Florida-Georgia District, let's help spread the word!

Fill out the form below to have your information listed on the FLGA District website.
*information will be listed for the month your event is taking place

Additional information should be emailed to Meridith Swanson at
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First & Last Name *
Email (can be contacted with questions about event) *
Event Title *
Event Location *
Event Website
Congregation Name (City & State) *
Date of your event: (format MM/DD/YYYY) *
Description of Event: (must be at least 3-5 sentences) *
Please add this event to the FLGA District Weekly Newsletter! (2 weeks is the time that an article runs, with enough notice, the article can run multiple times.) *Not all events will be added—you can request it.  *
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