Deepening Meditation group
I'm really excited that you want to join us.

I know I shouldn't be saying so myself but this group has such an amazing energy, authentic connections and I'd love for you to enjoy this.

Please use this form as a way to allow me to get to know you a bit and to make contact so we can take this conversation forward.

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Email *
First and last name *
What's you experience with meditation ? *
What would benefits are you looking to receive from joining? *
Are you dealing with healing from a burn-out, depression or trauma? And if you please share what support systems you have. *
How did you hear about this group? *
What are you're preferred time/days to arrange for a call? *
Anything else you'd like to share or ask?
Thank you. I'm looking forward to connect with you soon. If you haven't heard from me in four working days please write to
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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