- Register Application Form -  ACSILs : The Association of Comprehensive Studies for Independence of the Lew Chewans
* Please kindly note that membership is limited to Lew Chewan peoples who trace their ethnic roots to the islands of the Ryukyus and who aspire after independence of Ryukyu.
* Annual membership fee is free.
* ACSILs is supported by donations.

Acknowledging and supporting the objectives of the ACSILs that is of the Lew Chewan peoples, by the Lew Chewan peoples, and for the Lew Chewan peoples, I would like to apply for membership for the ACSILs.
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Annual membership fee is free!
1. Name < Family Name, Given Name, Middle Name > *
2. E-mail address *
3. Postal address *
4. Phone number (optinal)
5. Area of interest (Keywords) (optinal)
5. Age group (optinal)
Thank you very much!  < Annual membership fee is free! ACSILs is supported by donations. >
Note : We do not use your information above except the activity of the ACSILs.

ACSILs : The Association of Comprehensive Studies for Independence of the Lew Chewans
 Address : #5517, 2-6-1 Ginowan, Ginowan city, Ryukyu (Okinawa), 901-2701 (Japan)
 Voice : +81-50-3383-2609 (Please leave your message.)
 Fax : +81-50-3383-2609
 Email : info@acsils.org
 Homepage : www.acsils.org

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