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Awaken2020 Fasting Prayer Chain
Thank you for your commitment to Prayer and Fasting
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
What date range will you be praying and fasting?
It can be same day or multiple days. If you are fasting for one day, choose the same start and end date.
Choose Your Start Date
Choose Your End Date
Choose Praying and Fasting Times (Choose all that apply)
I'm fasting for the entire date range. If you select this option
I'm fasting from 12am - 3am
I'm fasting from 3am - 6am
I'm fasting from 6am - 9am
I'm fasting from 9am - 12pm
I'm fasting from 12pm - 3pm
I'm fasting from 3pm - 6pm
I'm fasting from 6pm - 9pm
I'm fasting from 9pm - 12am
Choose one of the following:
I will be Fasting and Praying locally at ASU Prayer Tent that is open 24/7 at the Campus ground.
I will be Fasting and Praying at home or elsewhere.
I will be Fasting and Praying both at home as well as at the ASU 24/7 Prayer Tent.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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This form was created inside of David Herzog Ministries.
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