Draiocht Agility Shows Buddy Scheme: Mentors
What is the Buddy Scheme?
The buddy scheme is designed to create a welcoming and supportive environment to newcomers to the agility community, those who sign up to the scheme will be paired with an experienced competitor to help them through their first compeition and show them the ropes, this may include course walking, general rules and etiquette of Kennel Club Shows etc.
This is a one day commitment and you will be paired with someone of a different height to ensure nothing clashes to impact your day competing with your own dog.
You are free to opt out of the process at any time.
This is a completely free service for the newbies so will be completed on a voluntary basis. 
Please note you do not have to be at a certain grade to be a mentor, as long as you are comfortable with the competition process we would love to have you on board the buddy scheme!
*We aim to pair juniors with fellow junior mentors so all ages welcome to sign up!
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Dog Height (you are currently competing with- to avoid clashes)
Dogs Grade (you are currently competing with- to avoid clashes)
Over 18?
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