Request for Lake Friendly Materials and Signs - Seneca Lake
Please use the form below to request a Lake Friendly Living Pledge Card, Homeowners Guide, Decal, or Lawn Sign be mailed to you. A $20 donation is requested for all LFL lawn signs. Thank you for practicing Lake Friendly Living and spreading the Lake Friendly message to friends and neighbors!
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Which LFL materials are you requesting (select all that apply)?
Captionless Image
One Copy
2 Copies (An extra for a friend or neighbor)
5 Copies (I have a lot of friends to share with)
10 + Copies (I have an event where I'd like to promote LFL)
LFL Homeowners Guide
LFL Pledge Card
LFL Decal
LFL Lawn Sign ($20 to Seneca Pure Waters, P.O. Box 247, Geneva, NY 14456
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Street Address: *
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State: *
Zip: *
Phone: *
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