Animal Nutrition Quiz (1)

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1. During first twenty days of calving, animal should be fed -----------to prevent acidosis *
1 Punkt
2. The mammary gland mostly synthesizes ------ fatty acids in the udder due to carbohydrates supplies whereas rest is exported directly through milk because of lipids *
1 Punkt
3. Inside rumen a process of hydrogenation of lipid is important as it helps in converting --------- to ------ *
1 Punkt
4. The excess feeding of unsaturated free fatty acid (or oils) is not recommended as it ---------- *
1 Punkt
5. Cows use fats from adipose tissue during *
0 Punkte
6. The negative effect of feeding lipids could be reduced by making them *
1 Punkt
7. Blood concentration of urea is influenced primarily by *
1 Punkt
8. One major factor that affects the microbial protein synthesis besides crude protein level is ------- *
1 Punkt
9. The excess ammonia could cross the rumen wall and may enter into *
1 Punkt
10. Approximately -------- g or % of protein is excreted through feces *
1 Punkt
11. What could cause the milk fats depression more often in field *
1 Punkt
12. The liver of a dairy cow converts ---------- into glucose. *
1 Punkt
13. Increase fat content in calf milk replacer increases *
1 Punkt
14. The IgG concentration is high in *
1 Punkt
15. Calf starter should not contain urea because *
1 Punkt
16. The optimal age at first calving of dairy heifer should be *
1 Punkt
17. Why we should offer water to calf when already milk is fed to calf *
1 Punkt
18. The acceptable range for milk urea nitrogen (mg/dl) in cows is *
1 Punkt
19. Oil seed generally contains ------% of lipids *
1 Punkt
19. Colostrum must be fed within ------- hour after calf birth. *
1 Punkt
20. The most important criteria to judge the quality of milk replacer as source of animal origin protein is *
1 Punkt
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