2024 P&C Membership

Thanks for being interested in joining the Parents and Citizens Association for Algester State School (P&C Association).

Membership is for the current year (runs from March 2024 - March 2025) and by being a member you:
  • Keep up-to-date with P&C initiatives within the school 
  • Have the option to vote at meetings 
  • Can receive the minutes of meetings.

The details you enter on this form are to process your application and are only held for the year in which your membership is current. Therefore, even if you've been a member in the past, we'll need a new application from you if you want to join for the current year.

All memberships are submitted at the next P&C Meeting for approval with outcomes advised after the event.

Complete the details below and we'll be in touch! 

Remember to press 'submit' at the end to send this form. All personal information is kept on the P&C database and not shared with any other entity beyond the P&C. 

Please note, if you are not a parent of a child at Algester, and would like to volunteer as a P&C Committee member and/or to volunteer time in the tuckshop, uniform shop, on any sub-committee that may be formed, or during events, you will need an active Blue Card. (See more about Blue Cards here)

How to join the support crew for the year ahead:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name *
Your address *
Your contact email (for P&C information) *
Your contact phone number *
Application type (select one) *
If your application is a renewal, what is the year you were last a member
Do you currently have children at the school *
Please let us know your interest in the P&C *
I agree to be bound by the constitution of the P&C and by all valid resolutions passed by the association. I agree to work within the boundaries of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.
I agree to be bound by Education Queensland's Code of Conduct, which includes:
- Personal Privacy - information obtained as a P&C representative MUST be considered confidential
- Courtesy, respect and fairness observed at all times
- Discrimination against any person is not tolerated (Anti-Discrimination Act 1991)
Please type your name as a pseudo-digital signature *
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