Drake Loves Beyonce
Celebrate Kyle's Bday with the FIRST Drake Loves Beyonce Night hosted at The ECO Center (5411-13 Market Street, 19139)

In addition to food, drinks, and games, guests can pick their favorite Drake or Beyonce song/collab to sing their hearts out to. 

This is a PRIVATE event that will NOT be published on public platforms, but you are encouraged to bring a friend or two. 

Instead of gifts I ask that folk make a donation of their choice to The ECO Foundation by visiting SupportECO.org If you aint got it, I get it. I would rather have you there than not come. 

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Who you bringing?  *
What you bringing? (put n/a if you're going to make a donation instead)  *
What team you reppin? *
Dietary restrictions? (skip if none)
What song do you want to sing? (put n/a if you're just coming for vibes) *
Any else you wanna share? *
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