Kindergarten Connection- March 23 5:00pm
Start your engines, it is time to head to the Kindergarten!  Kindergarten Connection is designed for you to spend special time with your child learning all about Kindergarten at Reede Gray!  Typically this class is a one time two hour event planned for pre-kindergarten children and their parents however this year due to COVID this event will be a online VIRTUAL event.
You and your child will join via Zoom and meet Principal Paul Van der Hagen, all Kindergarten teachers, take a virtual tour of the school and learn how to register for Kindergarten!  Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions and learn how their role may change as their child enters Kindergarten!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
 Kindergarten Student Last Name *
Kindergarten Student First Name *
Parent or Guardian Last Name *
Parent or Guardian First Name *
Phone Number
Yes, I will join Kindergarten Connection virtually on March 23 2021 at 5:00pm.
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