Yu Ying Affinity/Special Interest Groups - Socials and Meetups
We have an awesome, diverse PA community at Yu Ying. In years previous, we arranged neighborhood/ward-based meetups to build connections.  Social connection like these are still desired but often we are too busy to form these connections. The PA SY 2023-2024 would like to help facilitate the relationship-building with affinity and special interest groups.

Becky Rosenberg and our PA team have collaborated on the principles behind these groups. Click here for more on affinity groups within our community.
Name *
Email *
Phone number
Names, Ages and Animal class of your child(ren) *
What affinity group do you identify with (check all that apply)?
Are there any interest groups not listed that you would like to see? (i.e. Ward-based, neighborhood based meetups?) 
I am interested in organizing/planning meetup times.
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