Slow Stitch Registration
Please complete this form, and you will hear back soon from SewGreen with confirmation of registration.
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Email *
Attendee's name, preferred pronouns, and phone number *
Level of experience with the subject matter (this info is used by our instructors to ensure everyone has the best experience) *
Will you need any accommodations? If so please explain.
Have you attended a class at SewGreen before? *
How did you hear about this class?
Thanks for submitting your registration! You may now pay for your class spot here:

Refund policy: we understand that life happens. If you need to cancel, we will be able to refund your tuition minus the materials fee, once we are able to fill your spot.

Please reach out to with any questions or concerns.

We can't wait to see you soon!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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