Bacchae Audience Consent Form

I. I understand that by clicking "I DO CONSENT," I agree to be interacted with by actors in the show while the show is happening.

II. 'Interaction' may pertain to and applies to any of the following: 

             * Being spoken to by actors.

             * Being invited to join a scene onstage.

             * Having an actor sit at your table.

             * Having an actor stand on or sit on your table/chair/couch. 

             * Being touched by actors (hands, arms, shoulders, and heads ONLY)

III. I understand that by signing this form, it is not guaranteed that an actor will interact with me. I am only consenting to the possibility that it could happen.

IV. I understand that I am not expected to say anything when an actor interacts with me. 

V. Green Glow sticks will be given to those that consent. I understand that I need to display my green glow stick prominently if I want to be interacted with. If I don't, it will be assumed that I do not consent.

E-mail *
Your First and Last Name *
What show are you attending?  *
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