EOY Reflection
Thank you for filling this out to help us reflect on this past school year. We appreciate all feedback and will do our best to continue to make this the best experience to help every student grow.
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What has been the greatest benefit of having your student in GATE?
Is there an example of something that stood out to you that showed your student was benefiting from the GATE program? Or something that they really enjoyed this year?
Regarding the curriculum, is there a change(s) you would like to see happen for the upcoming year?
How do you feel the GATE classroom environment has helped your student?
Are there improvements you would like to see regarding the classroom environment?
How have you felt about parent involvement and being informed? Too little, too much, or just right? List specific things you like that are used this year and any improvements you would like to see change for the upcoming year.
Any tips you would give to parents with new students in the GATE program?
Any additional information that you would like to share is highly welcomed here. It can be an improvement to the program or a praise for something you feel has been going really well.
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