RSVP: OG Culture & Community Night: Wednesday 4/26/23 5:30-8:00 PM
WHAT: You are invited to attend Ockley Green Culture & Community Night
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th, 2023, from 5:30-8:00 PM.
WHERE: Ockley Green Middle School, 6031 N Montana Ave, Portland, OR 97217
We will celebrate student learning and expression together with dinner provided.

Please let us know if you and your students will be able to attend below!
Email *
What is your Ockley Green student's first and last name? *
If you have more than one student, separate their names with commas.
What grade is your Ockley Green student in? *
Check all that apply if you have more than one Ockley Green student.
Will your student(s) be able to attend Culture & Community Night on Friday, April 26th, starting at 5:30 PM? *
How many family members will be able to attend Culture & Community Night? *
(not including your Ockley Green student)
Food is being provided by a local comfort food caterer. Below are the menu options. Please select which option your party would prefer.  

Meat Option:

Roasted Chicken (GF)

Mac & Cheese

Green Beans (GF) 

Veggie Option:

Baked Ziti (V)

Corn Bread

Salad (V, GF)

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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