We're coming off the largest demonstration of tenants in recent Michigan history -- now it's time to keep fighting together! Organizations of renters and unhoused people from across Michigan are fighting to end the ban on rent control, for a renters bill of rights, for social housing, and housing first for those who need it most.
Endorsing organizations:
- Nation Outside
- Women's Center of Greater Lansing
- Peace Education Center
- We The People - MI
- Punks With Lunch
- Haven House
- Michigan Mosaic Energy Cooperative
- Friends Committee on National Legislation - Lansing Advocacy Team
- Michigan Student Power Association
- Michigan Tenants Assembly
- For Our Future Michigan
- James and Grace Lee Boggs Center
- Greater Lansing DSA
- Huron Valley DSA
- Sunrise MSU
- Sunrise Ann Arbor
- CPUSA Michigan
- General Strike US
- Michael Thompson Clemency Project
- Southeast Michigan Jobs With Justice
- Detroit Disability Power
- Detroit Homeless Union
- Detroit Jews for Justice
- Detroit Action
- Detroit Champions for Hope
- Michigan Institute for Progressive Policy
- Undergraduate ACLU at the University of Michigan
- Spartan Housing Cooperative
- North American Students of Cooperation
Leftist Student Coalition
- Fund MI Future
- MI People’s Campaign
- Northern Michigan and UP Democrats (UP North Dems)
- Moratorium NOW! Coalition
- Hydrate Detroit
- Community Owns Safety Coalition
- Inter-Cooperative Council at Ann Arbor
- Elbert Williams Voting Center
- Clean Water Action
- Indivisible Michigan 7
- MI Poor People's Campaign
United for Respect
Greater Grand Rapids Democratic Socialists of America
Flint Rising
Care-Based Safety (Washtenaw Co)
Grand Rapids for Affordable Housing
Ann Arbor Tenants Union
- Keweenaw Tenants Union
- Detroit Tenants Association
- Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness
If your organization wants to endorse this effort, please fill out the form below.
If you have clarifying questions or would like to have a conversation before officially endorsing, please email our group outreach committee at rentistoodamnhighmi@gmail.com