Welcome to MSCA's 2023 zine survey!
Contributor feedback about The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy
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Are the specs in our submission guidelines* clear?

*(as a reminder, here are the project’s specs:

> Page size is digest format (8.5 x 5.5”), photocopied w/ no bleeds; consider the outside .25" border as dead space. All submitted work must fill a full digest page; no "filler art" files, please.

> 300 dpi black & white or grayscale .tif files. Please DO NOT submit .jpg or .pdf files.

> Submissions that do not follow these specs will be returned for corrections & resubmission.

> Cost: $3.00/page. But that also gets you a comp copy per page.

> As a general-interest publication, we’re trying to appeal to a wide audience, so keep content PG13 or cleaner, please … )

If not, I hope we clarified things for you. If you remember, what was the hiccup?
So far, every issue has had a theme. Do you find the themes help you come up with ideas? Or do you find them limiting? *
(That said, we are planning to do a fairy tale themed issue in conjunction with next summer's Cinderella art show. If you'd like more themed issues, feel free to suggest some ideas you'd be interested in)
In the past we've bought as many copies as the buy-in allowed for. What do you do with your copies?
How many issues per year do you think we should publish? *
How many issues per year would you be interested in contributing to? *
How many pages per issue would you be likely to contribute?
We've pretty much limited editing to spelling and grammar corrections. Would you like to have more pre-publication feedback/editing guidance?
Along those same lines, we've never had a contributor critique session for our issues. Would you find that useful in improving your work? (It could even just be a sidebar at one of our monthly meetups)
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Dale would like to help others learn how to put together their own publications (and, in fact, issues of The Good, the Bad, and the Sketchy). Would you be interested in editing an issue if he was there to watch your back?
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Thanks for your time! If you have any other thoughts about our GB&S project, please share them below. Add your email if you'd like specific follow up to any of your comments.
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