Wikipedia Grounded Articles by LLM

This is a form to express interest in participating in a research project to investigate the capabilities of LLM in generating Wikipedia style articles. 

Our research team at Stanford is building a LLM-based system which can generate a full-length Wikipedia page for a given topic without the need for supplemental information (e.g., human written outlines, curated references, etc.). Besides automatic evaluation, we would like to have frequent wikipedia editors collaborate with scoring the articles and providing feedback.

Our goal is only for educational research, and we are not intending to try to publish these LLM generated articles on Wikipedia. Our LLM will ideally generate Wikipedia style articles with citations, and different sub-points. We will be scoring the essay based on 1. Well Written, 2. Verifiable with no original research, 3. Broad in its coverage, and 4. Qualitative comments (The first three metrics for a Good Article + Qualitative comments). We would take a subset of our articles produced and score them by actual Wikipedia editors as a way to verify our scoring is within reason.

In which language do you primarily edit Wikipedia? *
How many committed edits do you have on Wikipedia? *
Please leave an email by which we can contact you to in order to participate in the research project.  *
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