the joytionnaire
Meg wants to hear about what brings you joy. She'll share some of it (blinded or not as appropriate) in a piece she will be writing for... herself. But, you know... sharing it, too.

Thanks for taking the time. I hope it brings you... joy!
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As I begin this quiz, I'm feeling... *
What is a smell you love? *
What's a song that reminds you of a fantastic time in your life, and what was that time? *
What's a readable thing you go back to, again and again? Could be a poem, a book, an article, an essay... whatever you want. *
What is the best meal you've ever had? *
What is the meal you love that you have most often?
What is a word you love? Why do you love it?
Name a time you were joyfully surprised. *
What four things make your space feel like home?
What always makes you laugh? *
What movie is your ultimate pick-me-up choice?
What's the best advice you ever received? *
What five things are always in your fridge or cupboards? *
What are your three favorite places to be on the planet? *
If you could go back to one fantastic moment in your life and live it again, what would it be? *
What's the best view? *
When you close your eyes and think of five individuals you love, living or passed on, who do you picture?  *
You have to occupy yourself for a whole hour with something that brings you joy. Which of the following might fit into that hour? *
You have twenty seconds to thank people or give advice at a celebration of one of your achievements. What do you say? *
Why did you fill this out? *
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