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English name: *
Number: *
Class: *
1. Maria and Luis are celebrating a holiday about which country? *
1 point
2. Maria and Luis want to make pictures of... *
1 point
3. The oldest person in the family is... *
1 point
4. The youngest person in the family is... *
1 point
5. The colors on the flag are... *
1 point
6. After drawing, the kids .... *
1 point
7. Inside the pinata, the kids put .... *
1 point
8. After they finish the pinata, the kids .... *
1 point
9. How many aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins (relatives) will visit their house? *
1 point
10. The last thing they will do is c_________. *
1 point
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