MENA CEO Roundtable

The MENA American Chamber of Commerce proudly presents the MEDC Second-Stage Growth Solutions (SSGS) program which assists second-stage companies with technical research and business expertise to ensure profitable growth and future readiness. Funded by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Edward Lowe Foundation, the program is free for participants and is structured in three stages:

Stage 1: System for Integrated Growth (SIG) - Provides CEOs with access to experts in various operational areas through virtual consultations. SIG helps with HR, financial management, supply chain operations, export preparation, and market exploration. CEOs spend 8-12 hours over eight weeks with specialists who offer best practices and valuable data without dictating actions.

Stage 2: Next Steps Retreat - CEOs attend a three-day retreat event where CEOs create an action plan based on SIG findings. They engage in a visualization process to identify value creation for customers and brainstorm with other business leaders to maximize growth.

Stage 3: PeerSpectives - CEO roundtables with 8-12 executives that offer a confidential forum for sharing challenges and experiences. The methodology focuses on identifying and addressing core issues through balanced conversations.

Qualifications for Participation:

  • For-profit, privately held companies

  • Annual revenue between $1 million and $50 million

  • Employ 10 to 99 full-time equivalent employees

  • Demonstrated growth in employment and/or revenue in two of the past five years

  • Provide products or services beyond the local area to regional, national, or global markets

If you missed last week’s MENA Chamber webinar, be sure to sign up using this form to express your interest. The deadline to join the Manufacturing CEO Cohort* is June 28, 2024.

*There will be non-manufacturing cohorts in the future, however, the upcoming session is for manufacturers only.

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