Prikkle Academy, Rwanda - Go Global Community
Are you ready to gain the skills that will help you land your dream internships and global job from Rwanda?

Join #PrikkleGoGlobal Community.

Our team will review your responses within 2 weeks and will contact you to invite you into the community
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First name *
Last Name
Date of Birth *
Sex *
Location (City, Country) *
Email *
Phone (WhatsApp enabled). Rwandan Number Only. *
For example: +250790003969
Highest Educational qualification *
Course of Study/Profession *
What type of opportunity are you looking for? *
In what fields or sector are you looking for an opportunity *
Do you have a Smart phone/Computer? *
Are you employed? *
Tell us about yourself in 100 words. *
What have you been doing to grow personally and professionally? *
Why do you want to join the #PrikkleGoGlobal Community (100 words maximum)? *
How did you hear about this community *
Mention WHO or WHERE you found out about Prikkle Academy Rwanda. *
For example: Name of the friend or the Event.
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