Write Now Identify Needs
Learning about Writing Gaps
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First Name *
Email *
Age (optional)
Grade if in school (optional)
Past Experiences Writing
What was your first experience writing anything? *
How old were you?
1. Do you like to write? *
How does it make you feel?
No, not at all. It's painful.
Yes, very much!
2. I know how to start writing. *
No clue
Yes, definitely.
Clarify Terms Write Now
3. I can list three ways to brainstorm. *
What does "brainstorm" mean?
Yes I can list three ways.
4. I can define a thesis statement. *
What does "thesis statement" mean?
Yes I can.
5. I can identify a topic sentence. *
What does "topic sentence" mean?
Yes I can.
6. I know what a paragraph includes. *
What does "paragraph" mean?
Yes I do.
7. I know the purpose of an introduction. *
What does "introduction" mean?
Yes I do.
8. I know the purpose of an conclusion. *
What does "conclusion" mean?
Yes I can write a conclusion.
9. I can list three transitions. *
What does "transition" mean?
Yes I can list three.
10. I know how to revise my writing. *
What does "revise" mean?
Yes I can.
Equipping You to Write Now
11. Why do you want to learn to write better? *
12.How equipped do you feel to write successfully? *
Not at all
I do not need any help now.
13. What obstacles are preventing you from writing better? *
14. Do you understand why it is important to learn to write better? *
No, not at all.
Yes, definitely.
15. Do you experience fear and feeling anxious when you write? *
No, not at all.
Yes, definitely.
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