AI & Sustainability Survey
Talk about AI is everywhere in 2024, including the sustainability space. Organizations are starting to ask what value AI applications & systems offer to support their sustainability work. There is also debate about how to balance the efficiency benefits from AI against its expanding environmental impact from energy & water use.

The brief survey below asks you to share how you view the relationship between AI and sustainability within your organization today & what types of information, data or advisory services you may need in the next 5 years.

The survey below takes less than 5 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous. Most of the questions require one selection. Try to make the selection that you think best answers the question, or, if you strongly believe there is another best answer, describe what it is in the "Other" field. If you have no idea, skip to the next one (a response to every question is not required). For the questions with a "fill in the blank" response, please share as much information as possible. 

Enter your e-mail at the end of the survey if you would be open to having a 15-minute follow-up conversation about this topic. 

Dual Citizen LLC is a U.S. - based organization. More information about the practice can be found at 
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Which country do you consider to be your primary residence?
How would you describe the sector within which you are employed
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Which phrase best captures how you think about AI applications & sustainability within your organization today?
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Looking forward to the 2020s, which aspects of sustainability management do you anticipate will become most integrated with AI systems?
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Reflecting on your answers to the previous two questions, where do you anticipate the greatest need for consulting/advisory services in the next 5 years?
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What kind of information or tools do you feel are currently missing to help you evaluate how to best integrate AI systems to your organization?
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What other feedback or questions do you have about how AI systems can advance sustainability within your industry sector or organization?
If you would be willing to be contacted for a 15-minute follow up to this survey, please enter your email here
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