AES Mentoring Program: Mentors Registration Form
We at Academpower, a project of the German-Syrian Research Society, are happy to announce our mentoring program. We would love to hear from you if you are ready to contribute as a mentor in one, or more, of the following ways:

1. Support in application process; e.g. support in finding a scholarship, writing a motivation letter or and/or preparing the required documents
2. Academic mentoring to help the new students in coping with the new study environment and research field, perhaps discussing possible research areas/questions
3. Language mentoring to train your language with fellow mentors
4. Life Mentor for new-comers to get used to the new atmosphere and to learn more about the area

If you feel enthusiastic to voluntarily engage, please fill out this contact form. We will contact you once we have a mentee registration that fits your field of expertise/location
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email address *
Country of Residence *
City of Residence *
Highest level of completed education *
Field of Study *
What exactly have you studied? *
Please specify accurately the specializations and fields you have studied for each scholastic grade ''bachelor/master/PhD''
Form of Mentoring you are willing to give *
Do you have any previous experience with any of the following and can help with? *
Do you have experience in one or more of these scholarship applications *
Availability: I am willing to support... *
I agree... *
that the Deutsch-Syrische Forschungsgesellschaft e.V., recognized by the Frankfurt tax office as a non-profit organization, collects, processes, stores and uses my personal data for the purpose of counseling and support with the goal of academic integration for Syrian graduates as declared on their website I can revoke my consent at any time. Please note that we do not share your data with a third party.
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