Bradford Schedule Request-Drop/Add Form
Please complete the form if you would like to request a change. Separate Release Request Form on Bradford Site.  

Please note the following requests will only be considered for a schedule change:
1. I’m in the wrong class
2. I already had the class
3. I need a class to graduate and  it isn’t on my schedule
4. I’m in a contracted service or college class and need to adjust schedule
5. I’m in too easy or difficult of a class
6. I need credit recovery for a class I didn’t pass

1. I want a different lunch
2. I want to be in a class with my friend
3. I want to switch the order of my classes
4. I want to arrange my schedule so that I can have a release 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th or during lunch times.

Deadline to drop a class is the 15th day of class per semester
Deadline to add a class is the 10 day of class per semester

Once request is received, a counselors will review the request and if the change is appropriate and possible, the change will be made.  Students must follow the schedule listed on Infinite Campus. Check Infinite Campus for requested changes.

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Student Name:
Student ID#
Counselor of Student: *
Class to be changed/dropped:
Reason for change/drop:
Class to be added:
Electronic Signature Agreement
By selecting the "I give permission" button, you are signing this Agreement electronically. You agree your electronic signature is equivalent to your manual signature on this Agreement.  By selecting "I give permission", you are stating your child has permission to change their schedule according to what was requested.
Parent Name:
Electronic Signature Agree
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