Nationwide Zoom Interviews on Investments.  60 Minutes.  Pays $125
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First/ Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
Email: *
Which of the following do you have investments in? *
Do you currently work as a real estate agent, for a real estate auction company, or in the real estate industry? 
How many residential real estate investment properties have you ever purchased, not including your primary residence? 
How many residential real estate investment properties do you currently own?
Do you intend to buy or sell a residential investment property in the next 12 months?
Do you / have you ever used an online auction site to research and/or buy a residential real estate investment property? 
What’s your outlook on the real estate market over the next 12 months? 
Which of the following have you done in the last 12 months?
How would you describe your primary investment strategy:
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What do you consider to be your biggest blocker when it comes to purchasing an investment property? 
Gender: *
Annual Household Income: *
What is your exact age? *
What is your job title and industry in which you are employed?
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