LBUSD Expanded Learning Program Scholarship Application
LBUSD is partnering with the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach to offer TK-6th Grade students enrichment programs at the Laguna Canyon Clubhouse afterschool until 6:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday). Students receiving scholarships will have all afterschool program fees and transportation fees from school to the Boys and Girls Club in Laguna Canyon funded by LBUSD. Students will also have the opportunity to sign up for 6 weeks (total) of camp at the Boys and Girls Club during school breaks (winter break, spring break, and/or summer vacation). The camp fees (up to 6 weeks) will also be funded by LBUSD. In order to qualify for a scholarship, students must be identified through direct certification, the LBUSD Annual Household Income Survey (completed as part of the Data Confirmation process), or as student who is an English Learner, a student experiencing homelessness, or a Foster Youth. 

If your student meets the criteria for a scholarship to the LBUSD/Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach Expanded Learning Program (school year or summer program), we will notify you, and your child's program fees will be fully funded.
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Parent Name *
Parent E-Mail Address *
Parent Phone Number: *
First and Last Name for Child #1 *
Grade Level for Child #1  *
School Site for Child #1  *
Name for Child #2 for ELOP (can answer NA) *
Grade Level for Child #2 (can answer NA) *
School Site for Child #2 *
First and Last Name for Child#3 (can answer NA) *
Grade Level for Child #3 (can answer NA) *
School Site for Child #3 *
Do you give consent to share your child's/children's name(s) with the Boys and Girls Club of Laguna Beach as part of our scholarship recipient list? (This information is shared in order to avoid receiving a bill for program fees for those students who qualify for scholarships) *
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