Player satisfaction survey, regarding permadeath mechanic in games
I am the student on 3rd semester of second-degree studies in computer science on Games and Internet Technologies specialization on Poznań University of Technology. 
The survey was created as part of the master's degree diploma - Influence of permadeath mechanics on gameplay experience and players interactions with the environment

The aim is to closer inspect the feel and satisfaction after playing the game. The questions will help me better understand how the game made you feel and how the featured mechanic influenced your behaviours and interactions with the game.

Permadeath or permanent death is a game mechanic in both tabletop games and video games in which player characters who lose all of their health are considered dead and cannot be used anymore.[1] Depending on the situation, this could require the player to create a new character to continue, or completely restart the game potentially losing nearly all progress made. Source
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How do you feel about the game in general? *
I disliked every part of it
I liked the game overall
Did you have the option to restart the game from checkpoint? (since the first playtrough) *
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