The City of Revere Small Business Directory Registration Form
The City of Revere, through the Department of Planning and Community Development is developing a Small Business Directory. The Directory will be made available to developers, hospitality providers and other larger entities looking to recruit and hire local and independently owned small businesses in  Revere. To be included in the business directory you must have a small business with a Revere address and complete the registration form.
Email *
License Holder
Business Name
Business Address
Business Email Address
Business Telephone Number
Owner's Name
Business Sector
Business Registration Type
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Ownership Structure
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If the ownership structure of your business identifies with Minority, Women or Veterans owned, has the ownership structure been certified through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Office?
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Would you be interested in learning more about the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Business Certification Program?
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What current Massachusetts Licenses & Registrations does your business hold?
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