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He is writing ______ a pencil.
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She ______ in Paris for 10 years
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Passive voice of " He cuts a tree with an axe" is
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Synonym of "RELINQUISH"
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He said, " I am going to Karachi tomorrow". Change the narration.
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Antonym of "ACCOMPLICE"
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Antonym of "VIGOUR" is
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Synonym of "PEER" is
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Meaning of the idiom "To Break The Ice" is
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She killed the snake by a stick. Error lies in ?
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Neither Majid nor Aslam did their work well. Error lies in ?
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They _______ in a Cotton Industry regularly.  Put Correct form of Verb.
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I have been waiting  _____ 4 hours
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Meaning of the idiom " To hit the nail on the head" is
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He is not good _____ Mathematics
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People are becoming ________ drugs at an early
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