Remote Micro-Projects for UR Students
The Bulldog Endeavors program is brought to you by the Office of Career and Professional Development. Please carefully review the project criteria to ensure you can commit to the requirements.

PROJECT CRITERIA for Fall projects
-Project must be remote.
-Project is not to exceed 60 hours in total length.
-Project will begin by September 14th and end by December 4th.


- Submit all projects via this form by Friday, August 21st, 2020, at 5 P.M. Pacific.
- Attend a mandatory orientation (virtual) with the Office of Career and Professional Development on Wednesday September 2nd at 12 P.M. Pacific.
- You will receive an email with 2 matches on Friday, September 11, 2020.
- You are required to formally interview your 2 matches the week of September 14, 2020.
- You are required to notify your 2 matches of your decision no later than Friday, September 18, 2020 at 12 P.M. Pacific.
- Projects will begin the week of September 21st and will conclude no later than December 11th, 2020.

Note! The spring project timeline will be shared in October.  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your First & Last Name *
Your Job Title *
Company/Organization Name *
Time Zone of Your Company/Organization *
Work Phone *
Select the number of projects you are offering. *
Select the category of your remote micro-projects. *
Please provide the project description in detail. *
Select the TOTAL hours each project will require. *
Please select the compensation type. *
I agree to support the primary role of this program in its efforts to provide professional development. All projects will remain remote and not exceed 60 hours. Projects will begin by Sep. 14th, 2020 and end by Dec. 4th, 2020. I will adhere to all due dates and timely communications. *
Please provide any additional feedback, input, or clarifications below.
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