URI Youth Connection Café - 30th Oct 2023
Thank you for your interest in joining the upcoming URI Youth Connection Cafe for Oct 2023! Please register below to join the call. 

With all that is happening in the world, we can see that growing polarisation, violence and hatred is spreading fast and our work for peace is so so important right now. 

As young people navigating this moment I know we often turn to the online space for information, solidarity and connection and yet the online environment has its own challenges of accusations, misinformation and hate speech.  

This is why this URI Youth Connection Cafe will be a space to talk about how we interrupt hate speech particularly in an online context. Come and share your strategies and ideas, so we can learn from each other, and support each other.

Date: Monday 30th Oct 2023 
Time: 6.30am Pacific Time, 1.30pm GMT, 2.30pm CET, 6pm IST (Find your time zone here

Translation: We aim to make the Youth Connection Cafe's as inclusive as possible. So while the call will be in English predominantly, please indicate below if you require translation, and we will arrange translation.

Register here to receive the Zoom link directly.

As a reminder, the URI Youth Connection Cafe's are open to members of the URI network under the age of 35.


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