2023-2024 - Release of Student Information/Publication of Student Names/Images Oswego
Community Unit School District 308 is proud to highlight the activities and accomplishments of our district, schools and students by sharing the information with the public. Sharing school news helps the community stay informed with the latest happenings at our schools and is a tribute to the students, staff, schools, the district and the community. Shared information may include: work products, classroom programs, school events, presentations, performances, promotion/graduation videos, and athletic/extracurricular events and accomplishments. The district may videotape, audiotape, photograph or write about such student activities or works for use on the district or school websites, in district or school publications or electronic communications, social media channels or through other outlets.

This includes, but is not limited to:  
1) General images of children in which a student is not identified by name
2) The full names of students in recognition of an accomplishment, student spotlight, or work product
3) The names, portraits, works and other photographs of students in school yearbooks

NOT ALLOWED: Students identified by name in a photograph published on the district or school website, unless it is part of a district-sponsored extracurricular or athletic team photo

The district also issues news releases and distributes photos and information to media outlets and may allow the news media to interview, photograph, record or videotape students under the supervision of district personnel.

Parents/guardians who do not wish to have their child’s name or image identified, must notify the district in writing by September 15 of each school year as defined by Board of Education Policy 7:360.
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電子郵件 *
Complete this form only if want your child NOT INCLUDED in district publications, photos and videos:
School Year *
Student's Full Name *
Student's id Number
Parent/Guardian Full Name *
Student's Home School *
Student's Grade for 2023-2024 School Year *
I understand that by checking "yes" below, my child will NOT be included in photographs, videos, interviews or features in any publications, news releases, website stories or social media posts. *
I understand that by checking "yes" below, that any exclusion requests will NOT exclude the publishing of my student’s name and picture in the yearbook. *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 SD308 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形