Great Invader Raider Rally - Harmonic Woods Sign-Up
Hello, we're glad you found your way to this form! This is a basic sign-up form to gather information about you as a volunteer at February 24th's Harmonic Woods Coral Ardisia Cleanup at 9 AM. This event is focused on protecting the flowering plant spotted wakerobin (Trillium maculatum) and Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum) from the invasive species coral ardisia (Ardisia crenata). Coral ardisia is a species that was imported from Asia as an ornamental, but now suffocates the plants around it, including the trilliums and Jack-in-the-pulpit. Your help is much appreciated!

There are two main plans of attack regarding coral ardisia: removing the characteristic bright red berries (which have a 98% germination rate), and removing the plants themselves. This form will ask what your preference is so we can understand what materials to bring, and make sure you know what to expect.

This event will require the use of small and large tools, including hand trowels and spade shovels, to remove the plants by hand. Situational awareness and safety are paramount! There is also steep, hilly terrain, which may become slippery when there is leaf litter present. Closed toed boots with adequate traction are preferred, but any closed toed shoe will fit the bill. Long pants and calf socks will also provide better protection against thorns and biting insects, and both are recommended. Please bring your own water, sunscreen, and bug spray (in addition to yourself), but most importantly, have fun!

If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to the project coordinator Katya Kasprzak (
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What is your full name? *
What is your email? *
Please provide an estimate of how many people are coming with you. (If arriving solo, please enter "1" or leave blank.)
If you are part of a group, please provide the name of the group here.
There are two main management options for the treatment of coral ardisia: removing berries or removing the plants. Removing the plants will require the use of hand tools like hand trowels and spade shovels, and is more labor intensive than removing berries.

Please provide your preference below (you may choose more than one).
I understand the risks associated with this event, including, but not limited to: steep, slippery terrain; thorns; biting insects; sun; and muscle strain. I will practice safety by bringing proper PPE (close toed shoes, long pants, bug spray).  *
This site includes species endemic to Harmonic Woods, the spotted wakerobin and Jack-in-the-pulpit. These plants are sensitive to damage and disturbance. I understand the care that must be taken in regards to these plants (i.e. please try not to step on them). *
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