Furniture Ordering Form
This form is for the purchasing of individual office furniture for either on-campus or off-campus work stations. Larger requests (i.e. lockers, furniture for communal spaces, book trucks etc.) should be emailed to facilities-help-lib and will be handled through your department admin rather than this form. Please note that there is a $500 spending cap (one time only amount) for off-campus work station purchases. Please review this guide before making an off-campus order

After your request is received, it will go through a financial approval process before an order is placed. Shipping and order information will be sent to you after the order is placed. Some of these items are purchased in a batch process through central procurement, so please be patient.

Descriptions of the furniture listed on the form can be found here


For all off-campus requests and for on-campus requests over $200, staff need to initiate a conversation with their manager about their needs.  Orders over $200 must be pre-approved by supervisors.

All staff members are responsible for confirming receipt of delivered items and submitting all packing slips that they receive within one week of item receipt.

Failure to confirm receipt or submit packing slips will result in a suspension of future orders.

Furniture, equipment, and other workstation items purchased or reimbursed by MIT are MIT property and must be returned or purchased by user if a staff member leaves the Libraries. This is a rule set by central procurement which we must adhere to. See this guide for further information on these processes.
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