Northborough Lions Community Sign Request Form
Use this form to submit community sign requests. All requests are vetted by the Northborough Lions and only qualified requests will be posted to the community sign board at the discretion of the Northborough Lions Club
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Email *
Name of person making the request *
Phone number *
Name of organization requesting sign posting *
Are you a local non-profit, or community organization *
Please type text below as you want it displayed. The sign will be done exactly as submitted.

Any more than the allotted space will result in our editing to fit the sign. If for any reason the submitted  text cannot be edited to fit the sign the request will be returned with comments, and if possible, suggestions.

Once the corrections have been made, the organization can re-submit the request.

Event Start Date *
Event Start Time *
Event End Date *
Event End Time *
Text of posting Line 1 *
15 characters max. We will REJECT postings with long lines
Text of posting Line 2
15 characters max. We will REJECT postings with long lines
Image URL
If there is a small 100x100px image that would fit with your message, send us the URL here. We will try, but cannot guarantee that we can post it. The URL MUST be a publicly accessible URL. It cannot be a URL that points to a picture in your personal mailbox, for instance.
Facing Submission issues?
Please E-mail to

With "Subject" as "Community sign request problem"
Thank you,
Northborough Lions Club

If unable to electronically submit this form in addition to completing the above please complete the following
and bring it to the Northborough Town Administrator at the Northborough Town Hall 63 Main Street.

Name of contact person __________________________

Street Address _________________________

Town ____________________  Zip Code ________________
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