APRI-Maine February 15, 2025                  Workshop and Dinner (Two events)   Register Here!
Note: Both events will be in Portland - due to unforseen circumstances we've had to change venues. We are in the process of confirming the new one and will notify everyone as soon as it's confirmed. Portland area.


Immigration and Labor:

The issue of immigration has long been used to divide workers, and in the current era is a major wedge being used to divide the people in elections. In this workshop we'll share some history, and participate in learning more about 
12:00 to 3:30pm
The workshop is free but donations will be gratefully accepted to support the event and the work of APRI-ME
Reservations are required


A. Philip Randolph Institute – Maine Chapter
Celebration Dinner
Tickets $40
Bill Fletcher Jr.
Labor scholar & activist
Milk with Dignity
Farm worker support action

You can also sign up here either as an individual or on behalf of an organization to
SPONSOR the February 15 events, or just to make an additional donation.
Sponsorship levels are:

o  Bronze $100 (includes 1 dinner ticket)

o  Silver $250 (includes 2 dinner tickets)

o  Gold $500 (includes 3 dinner tickets)

o  Platinum $1000 (includes 4 dinner tickets)

Sponsors will be recognized in future publicity and at the events.

Sponsors so far include: University of Maine Bureau of Labor Education, The Dr. Charles A. Scontras Center for Labor and Community Education at the University of Southern Maine, The Maine AFL-CIO, and the Maine Education Association.

For more information Garrett Stewart:
207-504-1106 gstewart4785@outlook.com

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