The Artful Musician - Sing Me A Story Registration
Sing Me A Story is a class that will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from June 29 - July 29, 2021. We will meet 8 times during those dates. (I will be out of  town one week during that time TBA).
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Child's Name (First, Last)
Age of Child?
Parent Name
Parent email
Parent Phone#
All classes will be on Tuesday, Thursday of each week. Which class is this child signing up for?                   (Those who sign up by June 10th will receive a $20 discount per class).
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For the Parent: Mrs. McLaughlin promises to go out of the way to make sure that all who are in class are safe while participating in all activities.  As a participant, or parent or guardian of a participant, I recognize that there are natural and man-made hazards, environmental conditions, diseases, and other risks in combination of my actions or the actions of others that can cause injury to me (or my child) or damage to my property.  I do hereby agree to assume all risks which may result from mine or my child's participation. I certify that I will assume the financial responsibility for medical care should the need arise. I give consent for medical help to my child if needed. By signing below, I agree to wave and release from liability and hold harmless The Artful Musician, all of its employees, assistants, or volunteers, and the McLaughlin family. Please sign and date below.
For the Child: I agree to be respectful to the teacher, assistants, other students, instruments and property. I agree to follow directions and have a great time together.
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I agree to pay for my child's class in full on or before the first day of class on June 29, 2021.
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Class sizes will remain small so that personalized instruction is maximized. If your desired class fills up would you like to be put on the waiting list?
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If enough people are on the waiting list, I may open up another section of this class. Would you like to be contacted if another section is open?
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