#ToAutomade Campaign sign up 

Welcome to the #ToAutomade Campaign! Please fill out the form below to sign up and participate in the campaign. Looking forward to your creativity and win! Make sure to complete all required fields.

What is your name? *
Where are you from? *
What's your email address? (for necessary contact only as sample request ) *
What's your social media handle-list multiple if you have? (eg.Instagram : @yourhandle; tiktok:@yourhandle; youtube: @yourhandle; Facebook: @yourhandle ) *
Total Social media followers *
Do you have a ToAuto candle making tool ? *
If you don't have a ToAuto tool, would you like to request a sample?  *
Join ToAuto's Creator Community? ToAuto Creator Group *
Know about Campaign terms and conditions as below ? Required to showcase the use of ToAuto melter in the video etc
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